Warhammer 40k inside a dreadnought
Warhammer 40k inside a dreadnought

Dreadnoughts are classified in several different ways, the most common of which is simply by their armament. Dreadnoughts are cybernetic combat walkers that house the mortal remains of a fallen Space Marine hero, so that he may continue fighting for the Emperor and his Chapter even after his body has been crippled.

warhammer 40k inside a dreadnought

The Hellfire Dreadnought, also known as the Hellfire Pattern Dreadnought, is a common variant of the standard Mars Pattern Dreadnought combat walker used by the Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes and their Chaos Space Marine counterparts. A Mark IV Hellfire Dreadnought of the Dark Angels Space Marine Chapter during combat

Warhammer 40k inside a dreadnought